The Arkanssouri Blog.: Bush Admin. arm-twists through an extension of another erosion of American freedom.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Bush Admin. arm-twists through an extension of another erosion of American freedom.

I don't usually read, but I got this link via Reason's Hit & Run.

Other than his characterization of Bernie Sanders as "the great Bernie Sanders," (I hope hope HOPE he was being sarcastic), it's pretty much my sentiments exactly.

Today on the House Floor an anemic but nevertheless heroic attempt by the great Bernie Sanders of Vermont to curb John Ashcroft's ability to peruse our library records and book purchases without warrant or suspicion was, after the 15 minute period allotted for voting, coasting toward a skin-of-the-teeth victory. A minor, if symbolic, blow for liberty.

Alas, it was not to be. Amid rumors of brutal White House arm-twisting the House leadership refused to gavel the vote. Losing by some 18 or so votes they kept it open minute after minute as the arm-twisting became more vicious. Slowly but surely Republicans peeled off, melted under the heavy breath of Bush and Ashcroft. Finally, after more than 30 minutes without a gavel on a 15 minute vote, the last Republican necessary to secure victory caved in (shocking, I know) and switched his vote -- after which the gavel scored another victory for the police state.

Thus goes another day in the Republican controlled Congress. There were some Republican heroes, including -- not surprisingly -- my boss Ron Paul. Thank God those evil Democrats aren't in control to take away our freedom!


Blogger Kevin Whited said...

Libertarians are unintentionally hilarious.

Personally, I think John Ashcroft is going to be very curious to find out that Kroger sends me tampon coupons based on Callie's shopping habits on my Kroger card.

12:15 PM  
Blogger The Last American said...

It may well be that John Ashcroft never intends to abuse this power, but can we say the same about his successors? Suppose Kerry actually pulls this election out and brings back the Butcher of Waco?

Frankly, I'd rather not tie American liberty to the good nature of career politicians and bureaucrats.

8:48 AM  

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