The Arkanssouri Blog.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Went to McDonald's for lunch today (cheeseburger Happy Meal with diet Dr. Pepper), We had just ordered when the Greyhound bus showed up. The Greyhound driver uniforms are definitely among the ugliest uniforms I've seen.

One of the passengers was trying too hard to look like he didn't care what others thought about how he dressed. Three earrings (one in the lobe and two in the upper cartilage) in at least one ear, red baseball hat on sideways (does that look not retarded on ANYBODY?), an extra long sleeveless white t-shirt, and grey sweatpants pulled down to below the lower bubble of his butt. I'm not talking Marky-Mark-low; I'm talking between-his-ass-and-his-knees-low. I guess that's why his shirt was so long, although occasionally when he moved his black underwear poked out. White boy trying to be gangsta, I guess. More like Stringbean wannabe.


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