The Arkanssouri Blog.: 404 Vine St. Thayer MO.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

404 Vine St. Thayer MO.

If you go by the above address and see something in the yard you want, steal it. Apparently, the adults who live at that house want to live in a society where going into other people's yards and stealing things is acceptable.

Yesterday, I discovered half of my sunflower crop had been stolen. A little investigation later, I discovered the likely culprits were the boys who lived at the above address. Sick of putting up with such $hit, I called the cops.

The cop went to their house and found the evidence on their porch. He told me that when their dad got home, he would be giving me a visit to talk about it.

Guess what? Chicken$hit Dad didn't show up and sent the youngest of the two boys to my house to apologize instead. That way, there was no way for me to demand replacement with equally tall, equally healthy sunflowers planted by the boys in the same spots by Saturday.

F---ing a$$hole. If you refuse to be held financially responsible for what your kids do, why the HELL are you letting them go all over the neighborhood unsupervised? DCFS ought to take your children away from you. What are you teaching them? That all you have to do is apologize, not make restitution? Five to one they're both in prison getting sodomized every day by the time they're 20.

I hope they get leukemia and die.
Have a nice day, prick.


Blogger The Last American said...

Inventory of items in the yard at 404 Vine St, Thayer MO:

Barbecue grill
Tire swing
2 boys' bicycles
Fuel Can
Occasionally a small, weinery-looking dog that barks too much at passers by.

See anything you like?

10:12 AM  

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