The Arkanssouri Blog.: Clinton's "Worst Day"

Monday, June 21, 2004

Clinton's "Worst Day"

It wasn't the day his administration sentenced Elian Gonzales to a life under brutal communist rule.

It wasn't the day he decided to treat the bombing of the World Trade Center as a law enforcement, not a warfare, issue.

It wasn't the day he did nothing to punish the barbarians who bombed the USS Cole.

It wasn't the day the Murrah Building exploded.

It wasn't the day his administration torched the children of Waco, just because their parents had the audacity to defend their First and Second Amendment rights.

It wasn't even the day his mama died.

No, Clinton says his "worst day" in office was the day he told his wife he'd been putting his dipstick where it didn't belong.

This, I remind you, is the man who signed the Defense of Marriage Act.


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