The Arkanssouri Blog.: Merry Antichristmas to all!

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Merry Antichristmas to all!

It comes as no surprise to my friends that Xmas annoys me. So it is with great pleasure that I note today we are as far away from Xmas as we can possibly be, six months from the previous Xmas and six months until the next one.

Most years, Antichristmas falls on June 25, but because this is a leap year, Antichristmas is the last half of June 25 and the first half of June 26.

I hope you all spread the spirit of Antichristmas to those around you.

I thought about naming the holiday "Negachristmas," but realized the name "Antichristmas" would annoy the Xians more. Maybe as much as their insistence that I get into the spirit of Xmas annoys me.


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