The Arkanssouri Blog.: Selective Theocracy

Friday, June 04, 2004

Selective Theocracy

Funny how these morons have never rallied against murder, and they've never rallied against theft. They've never rallied against rape, and they've never rallied against lynching. They've never rallied against child abuse, and they've never rallied against kidnapping.

But gay marriage? Now THERE's something they'll rally about.

Note to ministers: Your own religion doesn't say anything about gay marriage. Gay sex, yes. Gay marriage, no. Learn your Bible.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Perhaps they haven't rallied against theft, murder, rape, lynching, child abuse and kidnapping because those things are already illegal and expected to stay that way. They feel a threat that activist judges may undo the long standing status quo where marriage is between a man and a woman. I frankly think they're misguided and would do better to consider the long run effect of tampering with the free exercise clause of the First Amendment by enshrining federal regulation of a religious sacrament in the US Amendment. But obviously I'm the only one on the planet who has noted that marriage is a sacrament and none of the government's damn business anyway!

Someone I read a while back did note the irony with the Supreme Court decision regarding sodomy that we could be in the odd position of having promiscuous gay sex constitutionally protected while gay sex in the confines of a recognized committed relationship is consitutionally prohibited. Not exactly pro "family values." The Xians might do well to remember that "it is better to marry than to burn." [The meaning of burn as used by Paul was in the sense of burning with unquenched passion, not burning in Hell, for what it's worth.]

4:26 PM  

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