The Arkanssouri Blog.: 3rd parties giving the duopolists ulcers.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

3rd parties giving the duopolists ulcers.

From the Moonies:

Gun rights have long been among the top issues for Libertarians, and many took note when the Gun Owners of America issued an alert that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, was considering slipping her proposal to ban semiautomatic weapons into another bill, perhaps this week.
The president, Mr. Badnarik said, has promised to sign a ban on semiautomatic weapons, but Republican lawmakers have prevented the measure from reaching a vote.
"That Feinstein would use parliamentary procedure to slip in yet another attempt to deprive us of one of our most fundamental individual rights is not surprising," Mr. Badnarik said. "The even scarier issue is that Bush has already promised, in advance, to sign such a bill.
"Clearly, when an issue as major as the assault weapons ban is supported by Feinstein, [Sen. Charles E.] Schumer [New York Democrat], Bush and [Sen. John W.] Warner [Virginia Republican], it is yet another indication that both of the major parties are, in fact, the same."


Blogger Kevin Whited said...

The President's Attorney General has radically redefined the Justice Department's interpretation of the Second Amendment to one that libertarians ought to love.

Except they can't bring themselves to love John Ashcroft, because they're just convinced he's snooping on their reading habits at the public library.

That's why third parties shall forever more be third until they reach some accommodation with political reality.

2:08 PM  

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