The Arkanssouri Blog.: What if your dog has five puppies?

Monday, July 19, 2004

What if your dog has five puppies?

The Cape seeks the ability to dictate the number of household pets you can have.

It wants to limit the number of dogs, as well as the number of cats, to four.

How many pets you have is anyone else's business why?

If someone's neglecting them, charge them with neglect. If the dogs bark too much or threaten children, charge them with that.

But the number of pets you have is nobody's business but your own.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical. I doubt very seriously that this will help address much of anything.

"Last year, some residents urged the city council to crack down on irresponsible dog owners whose aggressive dogs threaten people and other dogs."

If the problem to be addressed is aggressive dogs, why not say dogs need to be fenced or leashed?

And the HS is exactly right - they will have to euthanize more animals if foster owners are limited in the number of animals that they can care for at a time. Generally speaking, people providing foster care tend to be responsible whether they are fosting 2 animals or 20.

Deal with the irresponsible pet owners, and leave everyone else alone.


5:31 PM  

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