The Arkanssouri Blog.: Coast to Coast prediction.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Coast to Coast prediction.

Some time ago, I was listening to the late-night UFO-whacko talk show Coast to Coast AM. The host was having listeners call in with predictions.

One such prediction was that Osama bin Laden would be captured August 28th. Tomorrow.

Let's just see.

If it DOES happen, that's not entirely a good thing.

Because another, very ominous, prediction came for the week of September 15th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't HELP myself. I really love listening to Coast to Coast AM! I only listen in the car, so I don't tune in regularly. Sometimes it's a little bit (ok, a lot) tin-foil hat-ish, but it never fails to keep me fascinated.

So what was the prediction? I missed it.


12:21 PM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Well, OK, I'll post it.

But I want to stress to any GOVERNMENT MONITORS that may be reading that it IS NOT MY PREDICTION. I am simply passing along someone else's prediction.

The prediction is that during the week of September 15th, there will be simultaneous nuclear attacks in L.A. and Washington D.C.

But it's probably a bunch of hooey. If tomorrow dawns without the capture of bin Laden, we can almost certainly believe it IS a bunch of hooey.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember -- the operative modality of the self-deluded power elite is "DIVIDE and CONQUER".

It's worked so far.
And my prediction is that it will continue to work.

Want some more predictions that you can count on?

There will never be meaningful campaign finance reform.

Things that are extremely profitable because they are illegal, will remain illegal.

There will come a point when the grass roots supporters of the power elite will realize what is going on -- but it will be too late.

NPR will never make the distinction between an assault rifle and a semiautomatic version of an assault rifle -- clear to its listeners.

Clint Eastwood will long to be known as a kind and beneficient man in his dotage -- he may even succeed.
And he is a swell guy -- even if -- well you know -- the popularization of the cool-kill guy -- the "This is the world's most powerful handgun and it can blow your head clean off." He was only acting after all. It's not like he was actually hurting anyone.

The United States will finally become what its first European settlers were running away from. As the true middle class is nickel and dimed to death. *

*See the early middle ages -- where appointed Roman tax collectors taxed the people out of their own property -- thus effectivly enslaving them and creating the serf class out of former free men. And these tax collectors these "Counts" became the European "royalty".

"Divide and Conquer" is etched upon their obscured agenda.

They don't need taxes to do this this time.
They can even do it while "reducing" taxes.
All they need to do, is be able to convince us that
free markets are a sacred cow and that its only fair that you have to compete with Chinese slave labor run by robber generals, and others desperate nobodys attempting to scramble out of the ruinious black hole that they allowed their leaders to put them in.
Desperation sharpens competitiveness.

Listen; One man's labor is worth $6.75 an hour, anothers is worth $67,000 dollars an hour.

Hey -- Just be happy you ain't maken $ .13 an hour

3:16 AM  

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