The Arkanssouri Blog.: CBS' playing Cover Your A$$ grasps at absurd straws.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

CBS' playing Cover Your A$$ grasps at absurd straws.

I saw this on the CBS evening news last night, and luckily their site editors don't realize how patently absurd it is, or they wouldn't have put it up.

Richard Katz, a software designer, found some other indications in the documents. He noted that the letter "L" is used in those documents, instead of the numeral "one." That would be difficult to reproduce on a computer today.

Excuse me? Difficult? In what bizarro universe do these guys live? Let's do a little typing exercise, shall we?

I was born on 0l/20/l970. This was well after the l9th century. When I was ll, I moved from Illinois to Arkansas. It would be another l0 years until I was 2l.

Not at all difficult.

And yes, I did a screen capture of it for when someone realizes how absurd the claim is at their site and removes it.


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