The Arkanssouri Blog.: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell" hurting military effectiveness.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell" hurting military effectiveness.

It's too long to post the whole article, but go read this article in the Air Force Times.

Here's an excerpt:

Some colleagues suspected she was a lesbian, and they tried to find out for sure by skirting the “don’t ask” policy. They would ask whether she ever went to a local lesbian bar or would drive around to see if her truck was parked near the bar.

“Some guy friends would claim they were my boyfriend. That kind of helped out a little bit. It helped keep certain people off my back,” Biehl said.

Biehl now sells metal detectors in Florida. She said the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was a big reason why she chose not to re-enlist. “I really wasn’t happy hiding who I really was, and it gets frustrating after a while,” she said.

Good men and women are leaving the military. How can that possibly be a good idea?


Blogger Kevin Whited said...

I'd like to see more girlies leaving the military, actually. :)

The military is needed to win the war on terror. Do social engineering somewhere else. Maybe the Post Office.

8:45 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

I agree that winning the war on terror is the purpose of the military. To that end, it is a good idea to let more people into the military. For that reason, excluding willing people on the arbitrary basis of who they sleep with at home is a bad idea.

10:42 AM  

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