Ah, the blogosphere!
It is a very diverse place, you see. You'll notice in my left column I've joined the silly diversion Blog: Hot or Not. It gives me random blogs to rate on a scale of one to ten.
It is through Hot or Not that I stumbled across this entry today (emphasis mine):
If you were forced to attend church as a child, you'll know where I'm coming from. I remember when I was a lad way back when, being made to be in a small room filled with the other stink children of similar age. Stand up. Sit down. Stand up. Sit down. On your knees. Suck. Swallow, and you were fucked if you didn't swallow. Sometimes quite literally. Despite these unpleasantries, I turned out quite normal. Well, after the lawsuit, and after pissing my settlement away on booze and scratchers lottery tickets. And of course the sex change operation. And that unfortunate incident with the border collie. Other than that, perfectly normal.
I HOPE it's not where my perverted little mind is taking me.
Repeat this mantra after me:
"Diversity and tolerance are good things."
"Diversity and tolerance are good things."
"Diversity and tolerance are good things."
Yes, it's all about acceptance, and silent horror.
That site (blog hot or not) suffers a serious touch of Livejournalteenybopperitis. Loads of "today I'm using the vanilla tampons instead of the flying maxipads" type crap and more than its fair share of ill-informed, poorly argued liberalism. Plus about 30% dead links or morons who registered "blogs" that aren't blogs or require you to log-in to read. And apparently the users appreciate me about as much as I appreciate them - 2 people rated my blog a 1. That's a rating I personally reserved for the sites that gave 404 errors and the one that opened with a flash intro screen (because that's not a blog at all) - I'd even give KOS a 4 or 5 and that guys an on the take lunatic .
This is too funny. I went and rated a couple more after my last comment and I got this:
"Pieces of Phour
The page /buytampons could not be located on this web site."
etc....Apparently it's just not a good day for tampons, vanilla or otherwise.
And here I've been arguing that the "seeing ads on TV doesn't make you buy the products" argument is false because I've seen thousands of tampon ads in my life and have never once had the urge to buy any.
But now, apparently, the ads have gotten to you, Mr. Hanna. Because you seem obsessed with them.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Tampon on, Mr. Hanna!
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