The Arkanssouri Blog.: Kobayashi Maru.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Kobayashi Maru.

It was a Kobayashi Maru situation.

There were no correct answers to the questions on the test. The questions gave us no relevant information to answering them. One question was rather long and filled with pointless details such as the color of the roofs of the houses of a man's children. Then the question was about the division of time.

"Time?" one of the other students asked. "You can't divide time! You can't seperate it out and put it into five different containers so that you can open one and use it up, then open another one later when you want to spend more time!"

There were thousands of such questions, and we only had the afternoon. I knew there was no way I was going to pass the test. I asked the teacher, who was administrating the test, "How much of our grade is based on this?"

She gave a nonanswer answer, something about how this was important for the school to track how the students were doing. I read between the lines and looked on the answer sheet. There were thousands of circles to fill in, but no place to put one's name. It could not be linked to our grades.

I had an epiphany. I could turn in an empty sheet and spend the afternoon doing what I wanted instead of poring over a pointless test that there was no way to pass. I distilled that in my mind.

The only way to win, is not to play.

I got up, turned in the sheet, and left the classroom.

I passed the test.

Then I woke up and tried to discern whatever message this dream was trying to give me. I couldn't and gave up.

But I DID figure out a successful solution to the Kobayashi Maru scenario.

Don't go in the Neutral Zone. The crew of the Kobayashi Maru had no business being there. So they die. A good captain wouldn't lose any sleep over it.


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