The Arkanssouri Blog.: Chisenbop.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


A post on Knappster got me off on a tangent totally unrelated to the post.

About third grade, my G&T teacher taught me this thing called chisenbop. It's this weird Asian counting system that lets you count up to 99 on your fingers.

I mastered addition and subtraction using this method, but I don't think we ever got to multiplication and division. And I don't know if using your toes could up the total to 9999.

If that's the case, there IS one other appendage that could be thrown into the mix, but since there's only one of it (or, in rare cases, two)instead of five, the total would only up to 19999, if only it would toggle on & off on command.

Does anyone else know about chisenbop? And did they find it as unuseful as I did?


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

I had only heard it called 'finger math', but I never found it particularly useful either.

2:59 PM  

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