The Arkanssouri Blog.: CNN has no clue what politics are.

Friday, June 24, 2005

CNN has no clue what politics are.

Yesterday we had a US Supreme Court decision that for all practical purposes ended private property in America in any meaningful sense.

You would think CNN could find time on their expanded 90-minute "Inside Politics" to discuss the fact.

But nope. Not a peep. Literally, not one mention. Not even on either "Inside the Blogs" segment. One would think the blogosphere was silent on the matter yesterday. But one would be wrong.

So what DID CNN:Inside Politics cover yesterday? Well, for one thing, they dedicated three seperate segments, including one entire "Inside the Blogs" segment, for a total of seven minutes and ten seconds (which is almost 10% of the entire show), on the disappearance of that girl in Aruba.

No, there wasn't a breaking news event about the story. In fact, there was nothing new to report at all. It was a "Developing Story" event in which they simply repeated over and over again that a judge, the father of one of the boys arrested, had also been arrested, which they had already told us about when it WAS Breaking News, before Inside Politics started.

Don't get me wrong. I feel bad for the girl's family.

But this is politics . . . how, exactly?


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