
"Help me, help me! I'm wearing the Ugliest Uniform Ever!"
And that's saying a lot in a league that once had a team in tangerine uniforms with stripey socks.
Let me guess. The designer from the Tennessee Titans, working off old New York Jets sketches, made these from scraps bought at the Oakland Raiders rummage sale.
And the helmets. God, the helmets. What is there to say about the helmets, other than they make my eyes bleed.
Dear God; I hope they don't make the cheerleaders dress up in these colors.
Jimmy Johnson and Troy Aikman are turning over in their graves.
What's that? They're not dead?
No matter. This is enough to make them go dig graves and lie down in them, just so they can turn over in them.
This may even be a worse costume decision than when the Miami Dolphins switched to those tacky University of Miami unis.
They make me want to vomit uncontrollably. They are the uniform equivalent of Lukas Foss' music.
Somebody should pass a law or something.
...the helmets... [shudder].
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