The Arkanssouri Blog.: And it was going so well.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

And it was going so well.

Wolfie wasn't in the Situation Room yesterday. Kira Phillips and Ali Velshi were filling in for him, and were actually doing pretty well, bringing in some humor that didn't just sound stupid, like Wolf does when he tries to be funny.

Maybe CNN will realize they've got something here and replace Blitzer, I thought.

They even caught up with us about the Smurf snuff film. It was all going so well.

Then it happened.

VELSHI: And political activist and rock star Bono apparently has a new and perhaps surprising cause. He and his legendary group U2 are set to perform in
Philadelphia on Sunday at a $1,000 a seat fundraiser for Senator Rick Santorum's
reelection campaign. Now, you might ask what Bono has in common with the proudly conservative senator. The organizer of the fundraiser says both have strong
religious convictions and are passionate in their beliefs.

Why is reporting this a problem, you ask? A little weird, yes, but what's the problem? Read on, from later in the show:

VELSHI: All right. You're in THE SITUATION ROOM. Kyra will enjoy taking the rest of the show because I'm going to be so fired after this. Earlier we reported that activist and rock star Bono will appear at a fundraiser for conservative Senator Rick Santorum. Apparently I've been hoaxed. We've now heard from a spokesperson for the advocacy group co-founded by Bono denying that U2 is performing to raise money for Santorum. U2 is appearing in Philadelphia that night but for a regularly-scheduled concert. We'd like to correct ourselves for the record.

Kyra, it's been great working with you.

PHILLIPS: Every now and then we get a little bad information. You're not going anywhere.

VELSHI: I know how it feels to be Mike Bloomberg right now.

PHILLIPS: At least we didn't get a Howard Stern call.

VELSHI: Yeah, that's true. I hear you.

CNN got punked.


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