The Arkanssouri Blog.: More from the Public Scatology beat . . .

Friday, October 14, 2005

More from the Public Scatology beat . . .

"Stevo Darkly", in the comments of the Hit & Run public scatology piece, explains in this hilarious excerpt that words are sometimes confusing:

By the way, also about this time, I was taking sex-ed in school. And one of the words I learned then was "ejaculate." I didn't know it could also mean "to exclaim or shout suddenly."

OK, in Chapter 14, the Martian war machines are marching on London, or the town of Woking or something, sending the populace into a panic. And Wells' narrator says (recounting a report from his brother):

He heard footsteps running to and fro in the rooms, and up and down stairs behind him. His landlady came to the door, loosely wrapped in dressing gown and shawl; her husband followed ejaculating.


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