Friday, December 02, 2005
The Gross National Debt |
Previous Posts
- Squirrell Revolution spreads to Russia.
- Selective enforcement.
- Are they freakin' NUTS?
- Welcome, little Darelektra.
- Oh, the humanity!
- Slap in the face to the atlatl-control lobby.
- Xena polyamorous?
- Do they make Kwanzanalia Registries?
- NM Chupacabra news video.
- Let me know . . .

how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen Who Links Here
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Dude, if the lines are curvy, get thee to the eye-doctor. My dad had a detached retina and even post-surgery, lines aren't always straight. Those of us who are near-sighted are especially at risk for this. The R Man
It's always been this way, and I've been going to eye doctors since I first got glasses at age eleven. My mother has the same problem, so I'm guessing it's genetic. Maybe something to do with the shape of the eyeball itself.
It does explain why I have always sucked at the fine game of billiards.
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