The Arkanssouri Blog.: Matthew Rodham-Blunt: Big Government Conservative.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Matthew Rodham-Blunt: Big Government Conservative.

Watched the State of the State speech last night.

I was struck at Blunt's self-cheerleading about all the increased spending and growth of government he's put through. I don't think he mentioned a single department he shrank or spending item he cut.

Take this, for example:

We are saving millions of dollars within state government that can be sent to schools, used to provide health care or to improve Missouri’s roads, highways and bridges.

Note that refunding some of the money to the people who paid it doesn't even cross his mind, only finding ways to spend it.

Later, we have this excerpt, where Blunt praises both his own ability to spend other people's money AND the concept of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.":

I pledged to Missourians that I would deliver consistent increases to our schools and that withholdings would stop.

Last year, we fulfilled that promise and delivered 158 million new dollars to public schools, a 4.4 percent increase. We also passed a new funding formula that is based on the needs of Missouri schoolchildren rather than the taxing capacity of school districts.

But I thought it was the liberals who channel the spirit of Karl Marx, Governor Blunt. Why are you doing some Marx channelling of your own?

Next, Governor Blunt boasts of his ability to outspend the tax-and-spend Democrats.

At the same time, we ensured that last year’s budget provided public colleges and universities with more funding than any budget of the prior administration.

Later, we find that in Bluntworld the primary function of government is not to protect and defend the rights of individuals, but rather . . .

My priorities remain clear. From preschool to college, the state budget should reflect the Number One fiscal priority of state government — “to educate and prepare our children for the 21st century.”

To that end, he again boasts of his own desire and ability to increase spending:

A key component of my comprehensive childhood education commitment is an increased investment in Parents as Teachers.


My new budget provides another $1 million to Parents as Teachers in addition to last year’s increase. I am committed to delivering more taxpayer resources to Missouri schools every year.

and he continues with his government-as-drunken-sailor model:

Last year we increased state aid to education by $158 million. My new budget fully funds the first year of the new school foundation formula and provides a total increase of 167 million new education dollars. Combined, these increases will result in 325 million new dollars for schools delivered by my administration and this General Assembly.

He then moves on to higher education, where he throws money like confetti and denounces unfortunate budget cuts and capitalistic user fees known as tuition:

Prior to my service as governor, colleges and universities were hit with significant cuts. This year, my budget calls for a $17 million increase for state colleges and universities, providing them with the resources they need to improve quality and hold back tuition increases.

But wait, there's more:

The A+ program is an additional tool that helps young Missourians stay in school and ensures that advanced learning is a reality for more Missourians. My budget increases state funding for A+ by $1.8 million, which will allow additional Missouri young people to attend community college and acquire the skills they need to be competitive in today’s global economy.

Residential care facilities such as Boys and Girls Town and Edgewood provide the love and support that can dramatically impact troubled children’s lives.

Last year my budget recommended a $2.1 million increase in funding for these care providers. This year, I am pleased to include 2.8 million new state dollars in my budget request for residential care facilities.

He then moves on to the Nanny Nation Issue du'jour:

Smoking is one of the leading health care cost drivers. In Missouri, smoking takes thousands of lives and devastates families.

We all pay the costs of smoking through increased insurance premiums, social welfare for smokers and most significantly through the loss of family and friends afflicted with cancer. The tobacco settlement funds have been misused in the past, and I propose that $1 million of those dollars be spent on smoking prevention and cessation this year.

What's that, Governor Blunt? The solution is not to allow insurance companies to opt out of covering smoking-related illnesses? Nor is it to end social welfare for smokers? And you say it's somehow the government's concern that people lose family and friends to cancer? You say the solution is instead for the government to spend a million bucks telling people what they can or cannot put in their own bodies?

Next he throws some money at Grandma:

However, some seniors and low-income Missourians have been pushed past their financial ability to keep up, and we must respond. In order to help low-income Missourians pay high winter heating bills I ask that $6.1 million be dedicated immediately to Missouri’s Utilicare program.

This program has never been fully funded and has received no funding since 2001. This crucial funding will provide real assistance to seniors and low-income Missourians. No Missourian should have to choose between heating and eating, between utilities or groceries.

Most seniors and disabled adults would like to remain in their own homes. In-home health care is more cost effective, and it allows them to do so. Last year, working together, we increased funding for in-home health care services.

To continue encouraging home care as an option, this year’s budget calls for a $10.9 million general revenue increase to improve the quality and availability of in-home health care.

But . . . don't they already OWN their homes?

Then he moves on to an unfunded mandate that takes choice away from the consumer:

I also call upon this General Assembly to pass an “Energy and Green Power Initiative,” to reach beyond full funding for biodiesel and ethanol incentives.

I ask that we give Missouri’s heartland economy a major and lasting boost by requiring that motor fuel sold in Missouri for passenger cars and trucks contain 10 percent ethanol.

He moves on to throwing money at dope fiends:

Drug courts save the state money. A University of Missouri study demonstrated that the cost per drug court participant is $5,400 versus the $14,000 cost the state bears to incarcerate a drug related inmate.

Many nonviolent drug offenders can be better punished and rehabilitated through drug courts, which is why my budget provides them with a $2.1 million increase.

You really want to save the state money, Governor Blunt? Stop punishing and "rehabilitating" nonviolent drug offenders altogether. Decriminalize simple recreational drug use.

And it goes on and on . . .

My administration remains committed to providing meaningful assistance to our neediest citizens. Medicaid is an important state program. That is why my budget asks for $275 million additional state dollars to sustain its current commitments.

This significant increase will allow us to continue providing health care for 16 percent of our fellow citizens. It also means that this important program will receive 29 percent of the entire budget.


My budget provides an additional $700,000 for the funding of new community health centers which will benefit tens of thousands of Missourians.
25 million new state dollars for a new Health Care Technology Fund.
I look forward to working with all of you to ensure that the state funded MissouriRx program is a robust supplement to the federal benefit.
The new student need-based funding formula is now the law, and I have recommended that we fully fund it.

He even once again channels Karl Marx:

As we tackle other tough issues ahead we should keep in mind the words of the Bible that “to whomever much is given, much will be required.”

Be honest, folks. If you didn't know who gave this speech, wouldn't Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, or Ted Kennedy cross your mind?

Tweedledee, meet Tweedledum.
Vote Libertarian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog I hope we can work to build a better health care system as we are in a major crisis and health insurance is a major aspect to many.

6:01 PM  

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