The Arkanssouri Blog.: Prior to McCain-Feingold,

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Prior to McCain-Feingold,

I would have insisted such a thing as this could never happen. Now I'm not sure it can ever NOT happen.

HR 4694 ("Let the People Decide Clean Campaign Act") would grant nominees
of parties (i.e., Democrats and Republicans) that had averaged 25% of the vote
for House races in a given district in the last two elections would get full
public funding.

All others (i.e., third party and independent candidates) would be
required to submit petitions signed by 10% of the last vote cast for partial
funding, and 20% petitions for full funding.

Furthermore, candidates who don't qualify for funding would be barred
from spending any privately raised money on their campaigns.

At this point, I will vote for ANY third party, including the Greens and Commies, before I will vote for a Republican or a Democrat.

Vote Libertarian, while you still can.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

The bill's sponsors are all Democrats, so the response of never voting for any Republican again doesn't seem entirely logical. St. Ayn would be disappointed by the irrationality of it, in fact.

12:49 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

The Republicans, however, collaborated with the Democrats to bring us McCain-Feingold.

8:46 AM  

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