Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Gross National Debt |
Previous Posts
- I bet he can kick Shaq's ass.
- Like the Houston gas station that blares Frank Sin...
- How do you plead to the question of "Are you a sma...
- Wonder if MYWAY's being attacked . . .
- Until Ouchy The Clown comes out with his own line ...
- Tomorrow, we celebrate . . .
- Be wary, Mr. Chekhov . . .
- What, did he shoot The Hammer now?
- Maybe I should go work for the Weekly World News.
- Suggestion for Senator Conrad Burns ...

how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen Who Links Here
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Here's another stupid question, but what is the crime of "uttering and publishing"? Sounds like blogging or maybe running off newsletters on your dorm room computer...
"Haynes has prior convictions for burglary, home invasion and uttering and publishing, and was on parole for burglary at the time of the sex crime."
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