The Arkanssouri Blog.: The War on Snowmen.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The War on Snowmen.

From Archinect:

Frosty the Snowman is in. Six-foot penises are out. A new policy at Ripon College, in Wisconsin, decrees that only snow sculptures that are "tasteful" and "reflect the academic mission of the college" will be permitted on the campus. Transgressors will face a $50 fine, plus any dismantling costs. In the case of anonymous sculptors, the charges will be absorbed by the residents of whichever building the offending artwork is closest to.

Excuse me, but could someone please explain to me how Frosty The Snowman "reflects the academic mission"?

And what kind of standards are "tasteful" and "whichever building it is closest to"? What is tasteful to some may be distasteful to others. Who decides?

And how are there ANY dismantling costs for a snow sculpture?

So much for college being the free exchange of ideas.


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