The Arkanssouri Blog.: Objects are not good or evil; they're just objects.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Objects are not good or evil; they're just objects.

Fellow right-of-center types, take a look at the following passage:

Nancy Pelosi: When you think of the early pioneers that crossed the mountains, and lived in the plains, and buried their children in the middle of nowhere, I say to myself, "Man, I would never want to live like that." But I think those same pioneers might see the way we live right now and feel exactly
the same way.

Guns are a predator which lives in our homes. You don`t close the door to protect our families from guns. It comes to us everywhere: on TV, movies, video games, the Internet. It is everywhere, and it`s only going to get worse, as we`ll point out later in the week.

What's that, you say? You can't blame an object for the actions of a person misusing it? Objects have no inherent morality to them? They aren't mystical totems that drive normally innocent people to do unconscionable acts?

I agree.

Now take the above passage and replace the words "Nancy Pelosi" with "Glenn Beck" and the word "Guns" with "porn" or "internet porn," and you have the actual quote, from yesterday's show.

Objects are not magical, Glenn. Nor do they possess the capacity to be predators. Like a gun, porn*, if hidden away in the top of a closet, doesn't hurt anyone. And it won't, until someone makes the decision to misuse it.

Hell, you can even rent porn an apartment across from the women's dormitory at BYU, supply it with binoculars, rope, and GHB, and it STILL won't prey on anyone. It will just sit there, unless *you* pick it up.

In other words, porn doesn't molest people; people molest people.

Glenn continues with an anecdotal story that, if anything, disproves his point. It is about a couple in which the man is seduced by porn. His wife doesn't like it. And then, he chooses to stop. So much for porn controlling his mind. If porn is a predator in his house, it certainly isn't very good at it, because he got away.

*- Meaning porn featuring only consenting adults, of course.


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