The Arkanssouri Blog.: A quibble.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A quibble.

As close as Jack was to Valencia (he could see the mushroom cloud and a 'copter near him was downed by the shock wave), wouldn't the nuke's EMP* have knocked out all the circuitry in his cell phone and the cars around him?

* EMP - abbrev. "electromagnetic pulse"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'know, I'm pretty skeered of the EMP stuff as well, but some of the posters at make it sound like modern electronica are a lot more EMP-proof than one might think. Having not seen this episode, though, I can't comment on specifics. I think I'd still rather have the old '80s diesel Dasher, if the feces hits the fan, than any new car, however.

10:26 PM  

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