The Arkanssouri Blog.: Oh, JESUS F***ING CHRIST!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Arkansas Tech gets in on the Political Correctness action, too!

The school also cited concern by the committee over evolving connotations of the term Wonder Boy.

"These connotations include slurs about an individual's manhood or race, and the slurs have been used against Tech when recruiting," the release said.


The school expressed concern that current nicknames "do not lend themselves to a visual identity suitable for printed materials and other marketing initiatives."

The school said some students have dressed up as superheros, which it said "is not consistent with the spirit or the proud history of the name."

Is there anyone on the planet who genuinely finds the term "Wonder Boy" offensive?

A little silly, yes. But no sillier than, say, the Green Wave.

But if you HAVE to change it, I say go with "Skunk Apes."

Or Chupacabri.

Supposedly, there's some survey floating around about it, but I can't find it.

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