The Arkanssouri Blog.: Song of the Day: Here's a little song I wrote.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Song of the Day: Here's a little song I wrote.

It is 1989. I am a student at then-SMSU. I am in Blair-Shannon, walking to the cafeteria for lunch.

Upon entering, to the left is this large formal-ish lobby-type area, complete with gigantic white drapes that stretch all the way from the near-twenty-foot ceiling to the floor. It is vaguely reminescent of something out of the Art Deco era, like a place the Rat Pack would have lounged about in while waiting for some unsuspecting co-ed to meet them.

Off to the right is a small, more informal lounge area, complete with a few dumpy chairs, some video games, and a television perched in an upper corner.

And this is playing:

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