The Arkanssouri Blog.: Free speech not allowed at [S]MSU Free Speech Zone.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Free speech not allowed at [S]MSU Free Speech Zone.

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Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Gary Snavely, director of safety and transportation, cites "a famous Supreme Court case" but he can't actually name it. (It was actually Potter Stewart's concurring opinion in a case involving a movie, Potter Stewart later reversed himself and the case was completely irrelevant to this issue.)

On the other hand, I can name a relevant case - Cohen v. California - where the Supreme Court decided in the arrest of a person with "Fuck the Draft" written on his jacket: "absent a more particularized and compelling reason for its actions, the State may not, consistently with the First and Fourteenth Amendments, make the simple public display of this single four-letter expletive a criminal offense."

Interesting that neither the journalism professor nor the pre-law advisor knew of this actually famous and completely relevant case. They both should have known immediately that the campus and Springfield cops were out of line.

11:09 PM  

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