The Arkanssouri Blog.: O, Kalispell!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

O, Kalispell!

The city of Kalispell reminds us that a surprise is not always a good thing.

10:13 a.m. A person broke into a house that is under construction in Kalispell and defecated in the sink and on the floor.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kalispell used to have a really cool all-one-could-devour restaurant called "Smorgi's" which, I assume, was a reference to "smorgasbord," and the character on the sign looked like Elmer the Glue-guy-thing, after mating with a dog-turd. Very fetching, so I had to defecate out my roast beef and 'taters I'd eaten there, in their crapper, but not in an unfinished house. But I am aware of a similar situation, on the MSU campus, onct upon a time.


8:04 PM  

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