The Arkanssouri Blog.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

One thing you may have noticed is that this isn't anywhere near "real time" posting. Here's the process I have to go through.

As a protest to my property taxes going to support the local library, I refuse to get internet access at my house. Instead, I go to the library so I can use up more money than I give them.

So at night I type up my entry on my handy word processor, store it on a floppy, and physically transport it to the library the next day. So sometimes I might forget and put a "today" when at posting time it should be "yesterday."

I'm hoping that process will smooth out as I get used to it.

Another thing I've noticed is that my writing's a little rusty right now. If you look closely, you may even find a split infinitive or two among the clunky sentences. I'm hoping that will improve also.


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