The Arkanssouri Blog.: Rest in Peace, Pat.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Rest in Peace, Pat.

To be honest, I don't remember much about your pro-football career, Pat; you were on the Cardinals and when I watched football (which is pretty rare anymore now that I'm a NASCAR fan) it was usually Dallas or Miami. But I do remember the news that you were giving up your football career to go into the service after being so moved by the events of 9/11. Any fan of Dale Earnhardt, Michael Jordan, Roger Clemens, or any other athlete can understand the sacrifice you were making.

You didn't seek any praise, attention, or reward for making the choice. And you didn't feel like you were any more special than any of the other servicemen and women.

But it's not a competition, Pat. Everyone who voluntarily enlisted is special, each in his or her own way. Had I been in your position, I don't know if I would have found the strength to make that choice. I hope I would have, but I don't know.

You gave your life to keep America a place where people can play football, grow their hair long, or do just about anything they damn well want to do. America owes you one, Pat. We owe you the victory in the war on terrorism. Maybe the time you served was the time we needed to put us into the "win" column.

Arizona State has a nice article on you here, Pat. I hope you knew what strength of character, what integrity, you possessed. It's obvious to all of us who can only look back at your life and hope our lives are just as meaningful, just as heroic.


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