The Arkanssouri Blog.: The A-hole Tax

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

The A-hole Tax

Earlier today, we were at a small local grocery store. There were these two women, one in her fifties, one at least in her seventies. They kept getting in my way and just STANDING there, even when I obviously needed to get to some of the groceries they were blocking. They would go on and on in loud voices about such things as "Guava Jelly? What in the world is guava jelly?"

Near the checkout of this store is the place they keep all the vitamins, herbal supplements and such.

The two bitches were behind us. The younger one picked up a bottle and kept going on and on about how cheap this bottle of lithium tablets was. It was $6.99.

If they hadn't been such a-holes all over the store, I would have told them that L-E-C-I-T-H-I-N does not spell Lithium. But no, they WERE A-holes, and so I made them pay an a-hole tax of $6.99.

You reap what you sow, bitches. Enjoy your psychotic episode brought on by lithium deprival.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

I have to go wipe the tears away from my face. Between a little bit of Hank in Charlie Pride and the thought of two little old ladies on a bloody L-E-C-I-T-H-I-N inspired rampage through southern Missouri, I may have to watch either that video or the latest pathetic episode of The Bachelor to stop laughing.

8:07 PM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Reap, bitches, reap.

8:48 AM  

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