The Arkanssouri Blog.: Breedism.

Saturday, May 22, 2004


No, no. We mustn't stop the BEHAVIOUR, must we? What we must do in Caraway is ban the BREEDS.

Does a miniature ban apply to min pins?


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

We have two outside dogs. One is part St. Bernard and part Great Pyrennees, neither of which is considered a 'vicious' breed. The other is part lab and part Chow, which is a nasty, mean breed. George, the part Chow, is a good dog and never even offers to bite. Rufus, the 'gentle' breed dog, on the other hand is an asshole. He bit me and I'm the one who feeds him. I nearly took his head off with an axe, but he's the wife's dog, so I didn't. I had the shit bit out of me by 'friendly' dogs when I was a kid. Interestingly, neither I nor anyone in my family thought it was worth a call to the news media. It's a combination of the worst maladies of our society: obsession with the boob tube, obsession with getting our fifteen minutes of fame at any cost, the obsession with the idea that for anything bad that happens there is a government solution and the belief that a government solution is always appropriate.

7:39 PM  
Blogger The Last American said...

As well as the inherently racist belief that bad behaviour is a product of your genes and/or race (breed).

9:14 AM  

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