The Arkanssouri Blog.: I suddenly feel MUCH better about the "mistreatment" of Iraqi detainees.

Monday, May 17, 2004

I suddenly feel MUCH better about the "mistreatment" of Iraqi detainees.

Given a choice, would you rather be photographed naked or beheaded?

My morbid curiosity got the better of me and I took a look at the full video of the beheading of Nick Berg. I now wish I hadn't. I wouldn't even have WANTED to if the mainstream media hadn't made such a big deal about "We'll show you this and this and this, but you can't see THIS."

Now that I have seen it, I have a better understanding of the animals America is dealing with. They are not people. There is not an ounce of decency in them.

This was a civilian they beheaded, a KID who from the video obviously had no idea what was about to happen to him. This is the difference between our side and theirs: we detain and "mistreat" enemy combatants, they behead civilian kids that had not a damn thing to do with what went on in the prisons. They didn't kill him for any noble ideal. They killed him because they wanted to. Because they are rabid animals. And like rabid animals, they need to be put down.

More and more I am convinced that on September 12, 2001, President Bush should have gone on TV and announced, "We didn't want holy war, but we are in one." Then turned Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Palestine, and every other one of those animals' countries into sheets of radioactive glass.

If you need to see the video to cement in your mind what civilization is up against in the war on terror, there are several links here. But be warned -- it will change you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to watch it...but clicked it off as they pulled him to the ground. I knew I'd be too horrified to go through with it. Just the building horror was enough to nauseate me for a long time.

Violence begets violence? I guess so. All I want is for someone to pay for this.


1:47 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Be glad you didn't see it, Callie. Like I said, I wish I hadn't.

Nope, no al-Qaeda in Iraq, are there? And no WMD's. I guess we just imagined the recently discovered serin.

But don't expect the liberals to concede that they were wrong. They are so emotionally invested in their arguments that they CAN'T abandon them, even when reality proves them wrong.

It says a lot about these people -- when reality conflicts with their positions, it is reality they abandon, not their positions.

8:47 AM  

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