The Arkanssouri Blog.: Unsettling. Brilliant, but unsettling.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Unsettling. Brilliant, but unsettling.

When I plucked the June issue of Reason from my mailbox, the first thing I saw was the back cover. It was an Institute for Justice ad about eminent domain. Figuring prominently in the ad was a picture of a clipboard with a huge headline across the top that said "CONDEMNED" and followed by my street address.

The front cover was even worse. There was a picture of my neighborhood, with my house circled. The headline below gave my name and said "THEY KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!"

An article inside ("Database Naton") extolled the advantages such personalization can bring. But I don't know that I WANT such personalization. One thought keeps running through my head -- this would have made Hitler's job SO much easier.


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