The Arkanssouri Blog.: What's the difference between a conservative and a Libertarian?

Thursday, September 16, 2004

What's the difference between a conservative and a Libertarian?

W. James Antle III of American Daily paints a pretty good picture of the differences.

However, it's more concise to say that Libertarians believe individuals should be able to decide for themselves on both fiscal/economic and social matters.

Liberals believe economic liberty is a bad thing, and conservatives believe social liberty is a bad thing.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

That's true on the world's smallest political quiz, but I'm not sure how true it holds in the real world. A lot of folks who call themselves conservative at least tend to the libertarian on social issues as well. (Of course, very few people are 100% at any corner of the spectrum.) A lot of Christian conservatives I know, for example, are actually quite libertarian as long as you don't make abortion a litmus test. On the other hand, if you do make abortion a litmus test, Ron Paul is a the worst kind of fascist instead of the libertarian conscience of the Congress.

6:26 PM  

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