The Arkanssouri Blog.: Oh, crap.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Oh, crap.

Got a letter yesterday saying I am in the jury pool until Mar. 31, and if I'm on a jury at the end of that time, I stay on it until the trial's over.

Note to self:

No shaving until April 1.

Shampoo only; no conditioner, no product.

Try to hunt up The Christmas Shirt and the Outright Libertarians shirt.

Look for patchouli oil to wear as cologne.

I've been on two juries - one criminal, one civil.

On the criminal one, I wound up sending a guy to prison for four years on what was a case of entrapment in reality but not in the eyes of the law. I wanted to give him time served, but there were bastards on the jury who wanted to send him away for ten years.

I wonder what St. Ayn had to say about juror nullification.


Blogger KipEsquire said...

I wonder what St. Ayn had to say about juror nullification.Forget that, what about compulsory jury duty itself?

Should We Move to Professional Jurors?

10:42 AM  
Blogger The Last American said...

Slavery is wrong, even if (maybe ESPECIALLY if) the government is your master.

This applies to compulsory jury duty equally as much as it applies to the military draft.

I'm praying for a seven-week snowstorm, and I've turned off my answering machine.

Haven't found those shirts yet.

But I'm wondering, is dressing like my Inner Hippie going to make me look like some defense attorney's dream?

I'm HOPING the prosecution will have a veto.

9:20 AM  

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