The Arkanssouri Blog.: Missouri State University.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Missouri State University.

Gonna happen.

Not like the state government had anything better to do than concentrate on a cosmetic, trivial thing like this.

I mean, it's not like arsonists have gotten away with torching the house of a man in Springfield for being gay and the police didn't do a damn thing about it.

And it's not like every household in Missouri exists under the threat of eminent domain, is it?

And it's not like there are three missing women so far unaccounted for in Springfield.

Oh wait, it IS like that.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Not to mention the hordes of hateful bigots enforcing their "heteronormativity" on Deliverance country. (Okay, that's a real stretch but I thought you'd enjoy the new word.)

10:50 PM  

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