The Arkanssouri Blog.: SCOTUS ends juvenile death penalty.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

SCOTUS ends juvenile death penalty.

From myway news via drudge:

High Court Ends Death Penalty for Youths

Mar 1, 10:12 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the Constitution forbids the execution of killers who were under 18 when they committed their crimes, ending a practice used in 19 states.

The 5-4 decision throws out the death sentences of about 70 juvenile murderers and bars states from seeking to execute minors for future crimes.

The executions, the court said, were unconstitutionally cruel.

Apparently the Supreme Court is under the impression that an act's cruelty resides not in the act, but in the age of the person acted upon.

It's very simple. When a murderer kills, he is saying that he wants to live in a society where killing is an acceptable way of achieving one's goals. So he cannot then claim that it is wrong for the government to kill him.

You kill, you should die, whether you're 17, 45, or 104.


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