The Arkanssouri Blog.: RightPundit: Real men don't wear jeans.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

RightPundit: Real men don't wear jeans.

Post here.

[Emphasis in bold mine, not theirs.]
The boys, well, they were another story. I saw two suits or sports jackets. Out of the more than a hundred boys in attendance, Kathy remembered seeing only two when I asked her about it. Somewhere between one-fourth and one-third (I’m not sure of the exact percentage but it was substantially less than a half) wore either dress khaki or gray pants with a decent polo shirt. The rest, in excess of half, wore jeans. Some of the jean-wearers wore a collared shirt (unbuttoned and not tucked in), but most wore just a t-shirt. And nearly all (including those with nice pants) wore tennis shoes.

What are we doing to our boys? Yes, I know getting a 13 or 14 year-old boy to dress nicely is just short of asking the tide to stay out. And at this age I don’t expect boys to be as conscious of these things as girls are. But, please. They do have parents. They can be taught. That is part of the reason why we have events like this: so the kids can see that they can look good dressing up every once and awhile. That they can still have fun even while dressed up. That certain events in their life deserve special treatment.

As the father of a daughter, it concerns me greatly that our society in general and most parents in specific are not teaching our boys what a true man is.

Lost on RightPundit is the possibility that maybe the boys' parents can't afford dress pants. Or maybe people have different opinions on whether or not dress pants are objectively better than jeans. Or maybe they refuse to a narrow little cookie-cutter view of the world in which dress codes are enforced.

Whatever the case, I'm pretty sure at some point John Wayne wore jeans out in public. And I KNOW I've seen Richard Simmons dressed up in dress pants from time to time. So RightPundit may as well resign it's little self-appointed title of Arbiter of True Manliness.


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