The Arkanssouri Blog.: Something's Up.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Something's Up.

I got a call yesterday from the South Missourian News, wanting my permission to print the text of my letter to the Thayer City Council.

Why now? Isn't it a moot point? If they print it now, doesn't it make me look silly, considering that by now the mayor has already said Thayer can't use eminent domain?

I emailed the newspaper on July 6th giving them a heads up that I'd be making the request to the council, and attached a copy of the speech, in case they wanted to cover it.

The meeting was July 12th. Wouldn't the time to do this story be then?

But now is not then. Now is eight days past then. Now is two weekly editions of the paper past then.

Somebody's up to something. I warned Sympathetic Insider that someone was up to something yesterday. Now I've just gotta figure out who, is up to what. The only way I could explore that is by giving my permission.


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