The Arkanssouri Blog.: Brain fart or cascading malfunction due to mental illness(es)?

Monday, July 18, 2005

Brain fart or cascading malfunction due to mental illness(es)?

Yesterday I'm at the restaurant. The waitress brings me a large glass of unsweet tea. I set it down next to the ashtray and reach for the Sweet-N-Low.

I tear open the two packages of Sweet-N-Low and begin pouring them into the tea.

Except it's not the tea I'm pouring them into.

It's the ashtray.

They are half empty before I realize what I am doing. And yes, I was looking the whole time.

This is the problem with having a (self-diagnosed) mental illness -- you don't know when a goof is a brain fart like everyone has and when it's a symptom of a progressively-worsening disease.

In the end, I don't guess it matters, since I have no health insurance and couldn't do anything about it if it IS a new manifestation of my brain errors.

I just wish my brain problems would either go away or get bad enough that I no longer have the ability to notice them. They are embarrassing.


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