The Arkanssouri Blog.: Ain Rand, Dagni Taggart, and the fymynysts.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ain Rand, Dagni Taggart, and the fymynysts.

Selective Amnesia has posted an interesting question it calls a Random Question That Means Nothing.

What do the feminists think of the women in Rand's books?

I think the heroines virtually embody the feminist ideal, whereas the villians (like Lillian and Mother Rearden) reject it entirely, more than happy to be kept women with Hank as their Sugar Daddy.

Sure, there's that man-worship thing. But as I'm fond of saying, motives don't matter unless you're trying to determine the perpetrator of a crime. What matter are actions.

And Dagny Taggart's actions are to stand on her own two feet.


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