How do you honor the memories of people murdered by Islamofascist terrorists?

Picture credit: Zombie.
By making their memorial a giant red crescent, of course.
What is WRONG with these people? CQ discovers the memorial was INTENDED to offend here.
One of Michelle Malkin's readers has the right idea:
I propose a single block of unfinished granite, representing the enduring
and unvarnished legacy of Flight 93 with the immortal line, “Let’s Roll” hewn
into it in 5’ high letters. A panel below should be smoothed and polished and
the names of the fallen engraved there along with a description of their actions
that day. In front of this would be a simple paved plaza with one flagpole
facing the monument in their honour. Let the memorial be simple and
straightforward, uncluttered by the baggage of others and with a clear and
unambiguous message for all who would stand before it.
Maybe we should raise money to erect our own such memorial. Maybe at the site from which the plane took off?
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