The Arkanssouri Blog.: Tacky. Obscenely opportunistic.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Tacky. Obscenely opportunistic.

Kia Sportage has this commercial I've seen a couple of times since Katrina.

It begins with something about being trapped in the city and mentions "It's everyone's right to leave the city." It looks like it's trying to say that if those poor people had only bought Kia Sportages, they wouldn't have been trapped in New Orleans.

Unfortunately, the commercial is not on their website.

Does anyone know whether this commercial was produced before or after Katrina? The look of it seems pretty hastily-put-together, but not that hastily, so I don't know. If they made the commercial before Katrina, it's a matter of tragically unfortunate timing.

If the company made it after Katrina, however, it is unconscionable.


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