The Arkanssouri Blog.: Assault is not a consensual act.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Assault is not a consensual act.

Believe it or not, the attention-grabber in this article for me wasn't the part where she glued his weiner to his abdomen and his buttcheeks together.

It is the bitch's inconsistency about the wrongness of her own actions. The relevant excerpt, emphasis on inconsistency mine:

O'Toole had pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and served six months'probation, but her ex-boyfriend is now suing for damages.

O'Toole's attorney, Chuck Evans, said it was a consensual act and Slaby wasn't permanently damaged.

If it was consensual, why did she plead guilty to assault? And if it was assault, how can it be consensual?

And, inconsistency aside, they expect us to believe the guy consented to it?


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