The Arkanssouri Blog.: The Mailman for head of FEMA.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Mailman for head of FEMA.

Who knew Karl Malone was a Randian superhero?

When confronted with red tape and union corruption trying to stop him from helping Mississippi Katrina survivors, he did it anyway.

Malone: "We took six million dollars of equipment and most
of the guys from my company (Malone Properties). But when we got there, they (federal officials) told us that because we wanted to work for free, we had to go home. That we needed a government ID number or a contract to haul out debris.

"I said to them, 'bullshit', we took 30 pieces of equipment and traveled
nine hours and we're going to clean up some lots before we leave. So I told them 'I'm getting on my truck, now try to get me off.' I had my security guys there and they tried to stop us but they couldn't - and we cleared 115 houses. "

"I said to them, 'bullshit.'" HA. Bullshit indeed.

If Ronald Reagan had needed an example when he said that government isn't the solution to our problems; government IS the problem, this would have been a fine one.


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