The Arkanssouri Blog.: Question:

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


How can it offend blind people if you put it in a print edition, but not a Braille one?

How would they know?

And is it okay to shout obscenities at the deaf?

Or not listen to the mute?

Or be drenched in tacky cologne near the olfactory-impaired?


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Did you catch this line? "Motor Cycle News staff pointed out that they actively worked with the blind and visually impaired and had done for many years." Now follow would offend blind people to see a blind person on a motorbike because that implies (rightly?) that the blind guy on the motorbike is stupid...and motorbike news is concerned that their blind readers that they've worked with for years might be offended...When their blind readers aren't out riding their motorbikes I guess?

1:56 AM  

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