The Arkanssouri Blog.: Yeah, the "world" has "bigger" things to worry "about"...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Yeah, the "world" has "bigger" things to worry "about"...

... than extraneous use of quotation marks, but I find this irritating.

"Steven" Pearlstein, a Business "Columnist" for the Washington "Post," writes in a "column" on Alan "Greenspan":

A determination to substitute the wisdom of markets for the heavy hand of
government runs through the Greenspan story. It begins with the heady Greenwich
Village days as a follower of Ayn Rand's "objectivist" movement, continues
through his years as economic adviser in the Ford White House, ...

What point is he trying to make by putting quotation marks around the word? Would he write about "Christian" conservatives? "Social" liberals? "Fiscal" conservatives? "Gay" cowboys? Eating "pudding"?

In contexts such as this, the use of quotation marks usually is a short-cut for "so-called" or "wink-wink, nudge-nudge." Is he implying that Ayn Rand's philosophy only claimed to be the [O]bjectivist movement, but wasn't the real [O]bjectivist movement?

End quotation mark abuse NOW!

Maybe we can get some former Clinton White House staffers to go into his office and steal all the quotation mark keys off his keyboards.


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