The Arkanssouri Blog.: Now THIS could get interesting.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Now THIS could get interesting.

Insight envisions Cheney stepping down after the November elections.

I don't know how much stock to put in "senior GOP sources." How senior are they, and how many of them are there?

But if true, it might render moot all the Press The Cokie Nation talking-head hand wringing that this will be the first time in modern history that there is no [quasi-] incumbent running for President.

It would also provide the Republicans (and don't think Karl Rove's little mindgears aren't already spinning about such matters) the opportunity to put into office the first black and the first female Vice-President, all in one fell swoop. (Or a swell foop, if you prefer.) That'd really stick it to the Democrats.

OR, they can pretty much hand-pick the next President, if they go with Giuliani. (Or McCain, for that matter, but I don't think that's likely.)

But I wouldn't put it past them to go with John "Pay No Attention To That Boob Behind The Curtain" Ashcroft.


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